43339 Business Park Dr. Suite 101, Temecula, CA 92590

43339 Business Park Dr Suite 101, Temecula, CA

Metric X (.0100mm Step) Gage Libraries


Call for more information | (951) 676-1616

Variants: 10PM981-L, 10PM2521-L, 10PM1539-L Call for Pricing on Calibration – Accredited and Non-Accredited Options Available

An exceptionally economical solution to a long-standing issue. Deltronic Gage libraries come at a low price – as low as $9.00 per gage. This equates to acquiring many more gages for your budget dollars, resulting in substantial savings compared to individual unit prices. From standard ‘Metric X’ libraries to an extensive array of specials, your choices can span from .1000mm to 25.7000mm, available in .0100mm, .0200mm, .0500mm, .0050mm, and .0025mm incremental steps.


The combination of low per gage cost, broad thousandths step coverage, and Class “X” precision makes these Gage-Library combinations an ideal choice as cylindrical setting standards. They ensure constant availability of a cylindrical 'master' within .0005” of a desired 'zero' dimension.

With the dial spread of an electronic amplifier or dial indicator, you can effectively zero and measure any cylindrical part within the range of the THS Gage-Library you purchase.

Direct functional hole measurement for screw machine production, precision sheet metal work, drilling applications, and many other types of rough machining operations are ideally performed using 'X' standards in these combinations. Tags: pin gage library, pin library, pin gage libraries, pin libraries, gage pin library, gage library, gage pin libraries, gage libraries

Additional information

Library Ranges

.2000mm – 10.0000mm, 10.0200mm – 25.4000mm, .2000mm – 25.4000mm

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