43339 Business Park Dr. Suite 101, Temecula, CA 92590

43339 Business Park Dr Suite 101, Temecula, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find saved parts or reports on my system?

Q: I have saved parts or reports from my M2 software. Where can I find them on my system? A: After the first launch of the M2 software a folder, named “Metlogix”, will be created at the following path: Drive Letter:\Users\Public\Public Documents\ This folder can also...

What’s causing the incorrect feature sizes?

Q: When I measure features in my M2 software the feature sizes are incorrect by a large or significant amount. What could be the cause? A: More than one cause can be attributed to incorrect feature results: Confirm that the unit type you intend to observe results for...

How can I rename a feature?

Q: How can I rename a feature? A: Feature re-naming can be performed from either the Feature Detail view, or from the Report view. Feature Detail View:In the “large” Feature Detail view select the feature whose name you want to change. Select the Feature Name field in...

How do I remove a tolerance from a feature?

Q: I have added a tolerance to a feature incorrectly and I would like to remove it. How do I remove a tolerance from a feature? A: When viewing the detail view for a feature, the currently applied tolerance types can be viewed, added, and removed from the “Tolerance...

Points are not being entered for my measurement

Q: In my part program playback, the points are not being entered for my measurement when I cross the edge or press enter. A: Confirm in the part view, that the playback target indicator appears as a blinking green dot. After the registration features have been...

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